Through the Fire and Flames Funny Guitar

Posted by

Gibson Les Paul studio

8 years ago

How hard actually is through the fire and flames to play?

The way it is talked about makes it seem like it is impossible to play and you need to be a god and apparently dragonforce cant even play it properly live.

So my question is is it actually that hard? I have been playing for a few years and although the song is definitely fast it doesn't seem overly technical, I haven't tried playing it because I am not at that level yet.

So do any of the more advanced players want to say their piece, is it actually one of the most difficult songs to play?

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level 1

· 8 yr. ago Fender Telecaster '72 | Laney Ironheart | Schecter Banshee

IMO, the main difficulty is hearing what the hell they're actually playing under all the pinch harmonics and overlay. I imagine the hardest part of actually playing it is being able to play that fast for that long.

Strangely enough I actually really like the song. I feel it's a bit unfair to shit on Dragonforce because their song was in a video game.

Disclaimer: No, I can't play it.

level 2

I shit on dragonforce because they don't even play at speed when they record. They play slower and speed it up. That is what gives them their video game type tone.

level 1

The big problem is the speed. The solos especially are extremely fast, but the rhythm parts of the song are relatively easy. However, the solos aren't theoretically complex or anything, is just the speed.

level 1

It really, really isn't that bad. It's tremolo picked and needs decent timing, but REALLY isn't hard. It just requires a little bit of stamina.

level 2

GH3: easily the greatest music game ever created.

level 2

· 8 yr. ago Caparison/EBMM/Fender/Ibanez/Legator/PRS/Vigier/Mesa/Kemper

Cliff of dover is not harder. Only the intro to cliffs of dover is "hard", the rest of the song including the solo is actually fairly pedestrian - though the trickiest part is getting the same feel - compared to Through the Fire and Flame. You need much more stamina to play Dragon Force.

level 1

The thing about that song is that nothing it does is original to the song. It doesn't pull out some crazy new technique. Not to say it isn't awesome, you just don't have to learn anything new and crazy. So, if you have experience with metal, you're good. It's one of those songs that you practice once in a while for about a year and then you can get the speed. Time and practice = speed. A lot of people will torment themselves trying to hit those solos with tons of practice when all your really need is some time.

level 1


· 8 yr. ago · edited 8 yr. ago

Dragonforce only fast, don't play with feels. They don't even have telecasters FFS.

Edit: toanz

level 2

· 8 yr. ago i need a The Edge stratocaster

but they scoop dat metalzone....

level 1

Tell you friends Herman Li is cool or I will shit on your heads.

level 2

Holy fuck, those pedal enhancers

level 1

If you wanted to play the popular, recorded version from the album then I would say you're in for a ride. By the sounds of it (virtually no accurate tabs) there is a lot of more basic techniques played at high speeds throughout the entirety of the 7+minute song. Legato, tremolo, trills, tapping, and sweeps integrated very tightly but systematically will comprise most of the hard parts/shreds. Learning it wouldn't be too difficult but playing it to speed could take ages.

level 1

· 8 yr. ago Gibson Silverburst LP/Fender MexiStrat

Dragonforce can't play it properly live because Dragonforce is a joke.

level 2

I don't like this bandwagon. It has truly ruined the reputations of two very skilled guitarists. I don't care what anyone says about how they play when they are drunk or hungover, they are still really damn good guitarists.

level 2

· 8 yr. ago Warmoth Strat/Traynor YGL-3

I thought they played it well live, but I felt a little bit like I was watching poorly supervised pre-teens. The second guitar player kept making the jack off hand gesture, which people chuckled at at first but it got really repetitive and made you worry about the fellow a little bit. It was more choreographed than some show choirs I've seen.

level 2

· 8 yr. ago · edited 7 yr. ago Fender Telecaster '72 | Laney Ironheart | Schecter Banshee

That's kind of a cliche answer. They had trouble playing it on one tour due to some pretty crippling gear malfunctions.

level 2

Their latest album with their new singer they have really matured, imo. Still like Manowar on speed, but they don't seem to be playing fast for the hell of it anymore.

level 1

Obviously it's hard to someone who doesn't play/enjoy shredding. But honestly it's more that they have taken relatively easy techniques and taught themselves to play them extremely fast (like tremolo picking and alternate picking.)

I'd say if you're a relatively competent player you could get your fingers around it in a few days, and probably even start writing songs just like it because it's quite standard.


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