Miracle Grow Shake and Feed With Weed Control

For cannabis plants to grow, the nutrients that supplement them are very important. However, you have fertilized your garden with all kinds of substances, but they still look weak and slow to grow.

Wondering if increasing marijuana with Miracle-Gro Fertilizer will get better results? To know the correct answer to this question, please read the following article for details. Let's dive in!

Is Miracle-Gro Suitable For Cannabis Plants?

Miracle-gro is suitable For Cannabis Plants
Miracle-gro is suitable For Cannabis Plants

Miracle-Gro is one of the necessary ingredients when growing crops. They provide a lot of essential nutrients that the natural soil has lost.

So, for gardeners, this plant food will always be good for all plants.

However, the reality is quite different.

Cannabis goes through many different stages of development. At each stage, you need to provide a different combination of nutrients to ensure they are sufficient and meet the plant's needs.

Meanwhile, miracle-gro is a formula without too many nutrients combined. So it's not enough to satisfy your home cannabis garden. In addition, it is an extended-release agent.

That is, if you fertilize in June but come December, the nitrogen may still be released. Nitrogen is not good for the flowering process of cannabis. As a result, your productivity will be significantly reduced.

In addition, excess nitrogen will cause the plant to burn or have a very unpleasant chemical smell. This effect also affects flowers and may not be good for health.

But not everyone who experimented with this chemical formula failed. However, the number of these successes is very small. Therefore, it is better to avoid this fertilizer during the life of the cannabis plant.

Note : Avoid do not use "Miracle-Gro" Soil or any soil that has "extended release" nutrients for growing weed.

The Nutrients That Cannabis Plants Need

The Nutrients That Cannabis Plants Need
The Nutrients That Cannabis Plants Need

Plants want to grow fast and healthy and need to have enough nutrients. However, not all plants receive the same nutrients.

Likewise, the cannabis plant too. This plant will grow smoothly and strongly when fully loaded with the following substances:


When it comes to macronutrients, Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), and Phosphorus (P) are the three substances that have the greatest influence on plant growth.

In addition, you may know them as NPK, which is a synthetic fertilizer from the above 3 ingredients.

If you want plants with brilliant flowers and high yields, you must fertilize this fertilizer. However, each type of plant will need a different amount. Even if it is the same cannabis but different, feces will not be the same.

This fertilizer is important for plants because nitrogen is the substance that helps plants photosynthesize and produce chlorophyll.

Phosphorus promotes seed germination, root development and stimulates budding. And potassium plays a role in helping the plant to metabolize to form flowers.

With this source of nutrients, you should provide the plant when it is still a seed that has not yet sprouted.

Usually, people will mix with potting soil. For 3 weeks, they will nurture the growth of the source. After that period, you can add other fertilizers.


In addition to the macronutrients, you need to pay attention to adding micronutrients to the cannabis plant.

To keep your garden healthy, substances such as Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sulfur (S), Manganese (Mn), Boron, Zinc (Fe), and Copper (Cu) are indispensable.

You do not need to find each substance, but most of the micronutrients on the market have the right ratio of these substances. Just in time, you buy and fertilize the right amount needed.

These nutrients play an important role in the formation of stems, branches, and shoots. In addition, it also helps the plant to consume water well and produce more plant enzymes, proteins, and chlorophyll.

When you want to increase the growth of leaves, you should also apply this fertilizer. They are very helpful in helping the plant to form young plants and make the trunk, branches, stems, and leaves stronger.

Although these ingredients are very good, you must consider and quantify the correct amount of fertilizer before applying. If you give it too much, your cannabis can burn due to excess nutrients.

What Fertilizer Can Use Instead Of Miracle-Gro?

Growing plants with Miracle's – Gro fertilizer  have many risks. Therefore, you can choose to be safer by using natural organic fertilizers because they are rich in nutrients, cheap, and secure.

In addition, large-scale gardeners will choose synthetic fertilizers. The advantage of this type is that there are enough nutrients for the plants you are growing. You won't have to spend a lot of time processing.

Depending on your level of knowledge, you can choose one of the following categories:

Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers
Organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizer is a natural product, and you can take advantage of familiar ingredients:

  • Bird droppings : any animal manure has an NPK of 10:3:1; this ratio is very good for the vegetative process of plants.
  • Ashes : This fertilizer will appear after you burn the trees, they promise a good amount of potassium and lime for the tree. Therefore, this is also a natural nutrient that can be utilized.
  • Coconut coir : this type is used as a planting medium with good porosity but no nutrients. However, you just need to add calcium and magnesium, maintain pH at 5.5 – 6.5 with water; the freshness is better than the whole soil.
  • Worm castings : you use this to protect pests. It is quite effective and safe against insects without relying on chemicals. If you grow it on a small scale to use, this product is very practical.

Synthetic Fertilizer

Synthetic fertilizer
Synthetic fertilizer

If you are a large grower or can't find the above organics, you can go to the fertilizer store and choose one of the following products:

  • Bergman's plant food : The products of this company are divided equally for each stage of the plant, from a shoot to flowering. They are also easy to use.
  • Perlite and vermiculite fertilizers : This option is suitable for perennial growers as needed for professional soils. In addition, the product concentration for each growing method is also different. So you need to observe and understand a lot of your patterns.
  • Fox farms trio : This set contains Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, which helps prevent calcium and magnesium deficiencies. They are suitable for all varieties of cannabis plants. For better results, you should follow the fertilization process provided by this place.


Miracle-Gro is very good, but it is not suitable for cannabis plants. So, do not risk using this fertilizer for your garden. Instead, learn about the nutrients in the cannabis plant and provide a complete supply of each at each stage. Do this well, and your garden will always grow well.


Source: https://bigbudadvisors.com/can-you-use-miracle-grow-for-weed-plants/

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